Does the library purchase textbooks?


The library does not buy textbooks for classes, though sometimes we may have them in our collection if we have purchased them for other reasons. Once you know the titles and authors of the books you require, you can search our catalog to see if we own any of the items you need.  Search the catalog by title and/or author to see if we have the specific book you are looking for.

Standard practice in many university libraries is to not purchase textbooks because of the expense. It would be a continual expectation and expense that would leave little room for us to purchase books and databases.

This will continue to be Mount Union's practice in order to make the best use of our library budget that is used to purchase materials in a variety of formats to support the university's many academic disciplines.

Check OhioLINK because other libraries may have the needed item and can loan it to students.

  • Last Updated Sep 03, 2020
  • Views 91
  • Answered By Carla Sarratt

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