How do I print to the DWOC printer?


  • The black and white printer is in the 24hr common space area listed as KHIC Start Commons (24 hr space)
  • The color copier is in the DWOC area listed as KHIC-Library DWOC Color Copier


Printing Instructions (effective January 9, 2023)
  1. Visit to install printers on your laptops and phones. 
  2. Once those have been installed, you can print to either BW_Secure_Print or Color_Secure_Print based on your need for grayscale or color printing. 
  3. Finally, to “release” your print job, you can either scan the QR Code located on the printer, or visit and release it there, under the “Jobs Pending Release” tab. 
  • Last Updated Jan 11, 2023
  • Views 396
  • Answered By Carla Sarratt

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