How do I find course reserves?


Course reserves are collections of supplemental materials (books, dvds, articles, etc.) chosen by faculty and made available to students either in hard copy or electronic form.

The Reserves link will take you directly to the appropriate library catalog page.

You may search for reserves by course name or by the name of your instructor.

Hard copy course reserves are shelved at the Library Circulation Desk. Bring your Purple Plus card to the check-out desk and ask for the materials by faculty name and course number.

Hard copy course reserves may be used for a time period of four hours, one day, three days, or one week as determined by the faculty member. Overdue fines are $5 per item per reserve period. For example, if the item is allowed to be checked out for one day, and it is returned two days late, then the fine is $10. Reserve loan periods are structured to provide all students in a particular class access to these items during the term.

Electronic reserves or e-reserves are located in the online library catalog using the same Reserves link. 

From there, you will link directly to the document that has been reserved for your class.  If accessing electronic reserves from off-campus, you will need to authenticate your library record using your name and Purple Plus barcode.

  • Last Updated Sep 01, 2021
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Carla Sarratt

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